Saturday, July 11, 2020

Girls N Guns

Another of Fishbones series.

It would be nice if had managed to copy the date, original description or any kind of information from the original post. Oh well...

Friday, July 10, 2020

Sensual Nude Shepard

A series of pieces Fisbone76 did.


Recently I learnt an artist I liked on DeviantArt Fishbone76 has deleted their work (due to the horrible new layout the website has forced on everyone). I feared that something like this would happen so in the weeks before this change was implement I went through their archive and saved some of their images. This is not complete (I got about 700 out of more than 3000 posts they made over 14 years), but I feel like I got most of the work I liked.

Most of this is going to be NSFW.